If you look at the statistics most signable channels YouTube, dedicated animal see that mentioned in the last article, young NylahKitty video channel is on the 12th place in the rankings (from all channels dedicated to animals),ru
That's because this video channel posted August 11 (just for the last day), a new video, all with the same original subscription form at the end of the video (20 seconds to the end):
If you use statistics subscribers this week this channel (5631), we find that for the previous 6 days per channel subscribed 5631 - 4043 = 1588 people, is about 265 people per day.
That is exactly the last movie brought this videochannel 4043 - 265 = 3778 subscribers per day .
At the same time the last day seeing this video 33068 times:
We can say that thanks to this video on the video channel NylahKitty Subscribers:
11% of viewers have subscribed!
(And when you consider that out of the 33,068 viewers a new video has some of the signatories earlier, the percentage of new subscribers is actually more)
Want to receive 11 percent of subscribers to display each of your video - do as NylahKitty, insert at the end of the movie an extra subscription form on your video channel.
The more that is done very simply:
1. make a movie longer than 20-30 seconds.In this last part of the additional insert a suitable plot, with some bright spots, which can then be converted to a link for the subscription.
2. place their videos on the video channel.
3. Visit the page of your video and click on the link "Annotations" in the top menu:
Go mode annotation.
Here click on the "Add annotation":
In the drop down menu choose "Callout" :
On the following page you choose a place on your video, where to place the link to subscribe, its size, shading, font, text, duration, channel name:
After all settings, you can simply click "Publish" button.
By the way, installed subsequently annotation can always be edited.
Work - for 5 minutes. But what will be the result!
★ Support me, put the Huskies and subscribe to the channel!
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