25 нояб. 2013 г.

Begins cybersquatter: HOW FROM 8 TO 50 THOUSAND DOLLARS

If you want to take this interesting and risky - kiberskvotterstvom (ie purchasing and reselling domains), you should be aware that it is not "business for the lazy in slippers." This is a real hunt (although slippers, really, you can not remove). Which may end up as a failure, and a big success.
Stupidly earn not work
If you go to auction domain names zones. Ru,. Su and. Rf auction.nic.ruYou'll see that buying only a small part of the total number of domains for sale (in order to see the real demand for domain concepts, sort the table by the number of participants):
Domain Auction auction.nic.ru
Total of 33 domain 44234 (0.07%) have a chance to be bought (someone gave them an application).
A good price for the three-letter domains with less than $ 320 (domains from a large number of letters have even less chance).
So if you want to buy stupid and stupidly resell successful (in your opinion) domain names, then success can not count.
Any businessman who fits your domain name (but not at the price), may well register for the site better name for $ 20 (or even less).Therefore, the auction of domain names you can meet the domain names offered at ultra-low price - $ 2 - and that for this price are not wanted.
Potential customers cybersquatters
Need to sell domains to those who really need them.
- For example, a company that bears the same name as your domain.
- A very famous person may be needed domain's name.
- A businessman, for whose online business need a short and memorable domain name.
- Businessmen who for some reason has lost raspiarenny domain.
And, accordingly, should capture only those domains that someone may be needed (it is desirable that it is very necessary).
How to Make Chinese cybersquatters on the Russian businessman
For example, how did it one Chinese cybersquatters, who led the domain  rnp.com owner CronoPay Paul Wroblewski and earn 50,000 dollars  (1.5 million rubles in our opinion).
Sitting in jail domain owner (his arrested in June 2011 for organizing DDos attack on a competitor's site) could not extend the time domain, and the domain was intercepted by Chinese cybersquatters named Wei, paying him $ 8. And then contacted former Chinese domain owner and offered him his 200,000 dollars (about wrote in his blog the victim).
And as it so happened that some Chinese could determine that trudnozvuchaschy domain rnp.com  need someone?
Yes, he just knows how to read in English and search in Google.
On request "RNP.COM" he went on Page:
Page Paul Vrubleskogo on livejournal.com
Realized that the owner of the domain - a big shot and not spare the money on finding the lost domain.
(True, the "big shot" knows how to bargain and bargain purchase of a lost domain to $ 50,000, but the Chinese, paying $ 8 domain, apparently, and that was enough.)
Simple, is not it?
Where to look for a suitable domain names
There are two ways of acquiring a successful domain name:
1. Come up with a new domain of the free.
2. Intercept backorder.
You can go on the first way, but there will be little chance (in my opinion). Over the past 15 years, the Internet is more or less sonorous names snapped up long ago (the same cybersquatters today who have spent years trying to sell them).
Better to go the second way. Because each of the expiring domain already has its own story (period of existence, and it is valuable), has lost its owner (which may be more interested in it), and time to concoct can not spend.
On nic.ru today exposed to acquire domain names expiring 123344:
Expiring domains list on nic.ru
I advise you not to bother with the domains of the third level and contain numbers and hyphens, but it is better to turn a purely Russian historical zone. Ru (zone. Su I do not take seriously, and about the area. Rf little doubt).
Expiring Domains 2nd level in the zone. Ru, without numbers and hyphens for nic.ru today 14197 pieces:
Soon-to-letter domains in the zone. Ru
You see, even without any fantasies of waste material has quite a nice domain names (for example, vp.ru, nnn.ru). However, not everything is so simple.
Domain name registrar Ru-center, owner nic.ru, just a good domain name you will not give up, if it has a few willing (ie, queue).(Where there is a queue, you can earn several times more than face value. )
If you click on the domain name NNN.RU, wanting to take it over, you will see the following (see, if you are a registered nic.ru and logged on under his login and password)
How to intercept domain nnn.ru
You get this domain if pay more than those who came before you and paid from 600 to 50,000 rubles, or 100,000 rubles.
This happens with all the beautiful short domains. You got cheap they can not.
But you can buy cheaper and 100,000 rubles. example, if the three-letter domain is not so beautiful:
How to intercept domain swl.ru
For example, three-letter domain swl.ru can catch today for 10,000 rubles.
If you find the former owner (who lost accidentally domain) or a company, which is a combination of letters would very much come as a domain name (eg, "Scientific Writing Lessons"), you can earn good money.
And tomorrow, perhaps, available three letter domain that can be bought on nic.ru at minimal cost 600 rubles (including presence on sale at an auction of three-letter domains for as low as $ 22)
The three-letter domains for $ 22
(Three-letter domain names for sale at auction nic.ru)
Where to look for the vacated foreign domains
In foreign Internet you can find several sites, issuing lists of expiring domains (search query available domains  or  domains deleted ).
I found one such good service (more or less understandable) - justdropped.com . To access the list of expiring domains, on this site you must register.
Expiring domains are not a list. They must be sought.
If you specify this in the form of domains with a length of 1 to 3 characters ( characters ) and specify the availability of a domain ( domain availability ) -  Pending delete  (pending delete), you get a list of 16 cute three-letter domains, not just their masters proplachennyh:
Soon foreign domains
Each of these domains can hide behind someone a successful business or someone successful project that tomorrow can make you a rich man if you have registered the domain in time for yourself.
A domain can register a foreign service-enom.com, godaddy.com, moniker.com and other (easily find themselves).
The selection procedure for expiring domains
So, if you want to do cybersquatting try their luck, brains and nerves, can act as follows:
1. Searching for backorder.
2. See his story on the Internet (to whom it belonged, or who wants to buy it).
3. Assess the value of expiring domain on the basis of the data and make a decision - to buy or not.
4. In the case of resale prospects domain - buy it and contact with those wishing to buy it (indicating your price).
Then go to Step 1 and start all over again (new Expiring domains lists appear every day).
5. If the domain seems unpromising, go directly to Step 1 and start all over again.
Not to say that you definitely lucky. But the Chinese is surely fortunate.
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