How to earn burzhuynete resident closed country? Very many Russians care similar question. Because for burzhuyneta we are partially closed country residents. Most payment procedures in the English-speaking Internet based payment system today at PayPal. And though the Russians were able to start a PayPal account , fully use them they can not. We can only pay (though not always), but to take the money for the goods sold to your PayPal account until you can.
The same problem faced young 16 year old girl from Iran Ladan Lashkari (Ladan Lashkari), when I decided to make money burzhuynete.
When her family has a computer , she also began to study it intensively. Studied Windows, graphic design, programming language C + + (Computer literacy is important and especially important is the ability to make sites, though simple).
And although she could earn a living teaching computer literacy of others, she realized that the real money is lying there in gold burzhuynete where life rages and money flow like water.
His first experience in business burzhuynete it applied in 16 years. Earned in the first year only 8 dollars.
But it did not stop her. She bought a course on internet marketing from Corey Rudl. Bought a lot of other courses in English (on doing business, copywriting). (Learn from successful people!)
A year later, it launched its first site, two, three.A couple of years she has already earned a few thousand dollars a month.
What does she make money? It sold its e-books.
Having read a few courses online guru perforce become literate person and can write something different. A girl and wrote (no wonder she strenuously taught in English).
Virtually all of its first sites - odnostranichniki offering free bonus (free templates or training course) in exchange for a subscription to the newsletter (and even within the distribution it offers readers the paid e-books).
Their sites, it spins through his numerous articles, which she placed around the Internet in various article directories and forums.
I tried to arrange the purchase of one of her books - and was very surprised, because the form of payment before me in Russian, and even assumed payment in rubles:
This allows residents closed (and open) countries quietly trade online, and every buyer has the ability to pay for the purchase in the national currency.
Moreover, by registering an account on, you can open your affiliate program and your business will start to work other people around the world.
What else is nice - poster has Russian version. So even know English bad sellers can understand it (although educational materials on this website is still in English).
Withdraw money from an account in a variety of ways Plimus. Of them will suit us:
- send money by check,
- Wire Transfer (wire transfer to a bank account currency)
- prepaid card Plimus MasterCard.
- send money by check,
- Wire Transfer (wire transfer to a bank account currency)
- prepaid card Plimus MasterCard.
Minimum withdrawal amount - $ 35.
So, think about it, girl, for which the English - not native, living in a closed off from the world country, a sanctioned U.S. with a culture where women's entrepreneurship is not welcome, not having an account in the U.S. and the ability to make payments on PayPal - managed become an expert internet business (as a consultant today it takes $ 300 per hour) and a successful entrepreneur (the more so that she was able to move to Canada, where it now has no barriers entrepreneurship)!
And what's stopping you?
If you are sitting in a closed country, want to earn money as well as a simple Iranian girl, you should:
- Learn English (there is an interesting resource for learning English unobtrusive -;
- Buy English language course online business guru (as well explore all the technical terms);
- Create a page with a form of newsletter (Ladan uses;
- Arrange a free course on avtorespondera;
- Fold of knowledge derived from the guru some useful articles and paid one year;
- Paid course place on Plimus;
- Lay out the free articles in article directories available on the Internet forums;
- Articles catch your newsletter subscribers;
- To offer its subscribers to buy paid course or participate in an affiliate program.
The main secret of success Ladan Lashkari - her tenacity and perseverance. Everything else - just a technique.
PS1. Ladan Lashkari today for 23 years. She lives in Canada, he invited her to Michael Fortin in his blog when he learned of her incredible story:
PS2. course, Ladan Lashkari today is not limited to the sale of its electronic books (a girl can not be stopped). I found on the Internet is another source of income for her (quite unusual). But more about that in the next article.
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