I tossed the idea of creating a single startup database specialists city.
We all know that the dentist dentist strife as a bricklayer bricklayer. And it is desirable to learn about it before making a decision to go to the doctor or start building a house.
I propose that the next startup "Hall of Fame".Short and clear to everyone.
Demand for information
Times now such that professionals becoming smaller. Around one advertisement, not confirmed by actual results. In this situation, go to the first comer specialist is very dangerous - you can get money or lose health.
Lack of a single base reviews & opinions
It would be better if there was a single base opinions and comments on specific specialists or that city, looking into that, I would be able to appreciate it at others, unfamiliar people (because we choose goods on ozon.ru rating and comments left by strangers buyers).
Global Database reviews
Initially I thought that each such database must exist separately for each city. But given the fact that each resource individually would be difficult to unwind, decided that even this resource is the same for the whole country (or even the whole world). The more that the rest of the world is getting closer to us.
And I, for example, it may be of interest not only to dentists of his native city (where many dental services is not enough), but also the regional city dentists, and Moscow and St. Petersburg. And maybe I'll decide to go in the summer to Hungary and treat your teeth there (say, dentists in Europe are 10 times cheaper than in Moscow).
User can select the city of interest to him (as, for example, you can select any slando.ru region of interest, and not delve into the entire global base board).
Entrance to the Hall of Fame
Structure Hall of Fame
Assume that everyone can go to the Hall of Fame with the purpose of leaving a record of a particular specialist, with whom he had to face.
To do this, it must specify:
- Name of the specialist; - his profession; - the city, - the date of the contact (not necessarily, but it is desirable for the accuracy of data); - assessment of professionalism (eg "-5" to "5")- Comments (required since just can not throw the estimates, they need to justify).
From the name, profession and the city will form a separate record for each particular specialist (with its overall rating and a set of comments). So anyone looking for information on this specialist immediately find him a complete dossier on its customers (patients).
Rankings Hall of Fame
Additional ratings - an average estimate, the number of comments.
You can enter user ratings, encouraging them not to be silent, and to report anything they know (we do not like to praise, more abuse, such rating will be able to unleash languages and satisfied customers).
Promotion can be carried out through the same social networks (their inhabitants easier involved in filling the resource).
In general, the methods of promotion boards of Honor can be quite a lot. Ranging from start-ups on the sites and press releases, ending with the creation of viral videos and independent initial data collection through search engines.
Benefits and globality overcome all difficulties
I think it will be a useful resource. Each person has the opportunity to report their information about a particular specialist (dentist, doctor, teacher, hairdresser, builder, taxi drivers, officials, designer, etc.).
And it will also be interested in finding information about him other relevant specialists.
And because the resource is global, then it will be supported globally, the most active users of the Internet and society.
PS I am not the creator of the future startup, but only its future user. I give an idea, you (or anyone else) - create.
If you have additional ideas for improving the current startup (including references on existing analogues) - share them in the comments, they are sure to take advantage of future creator.
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