24 нояб. 2013 г.

HOW TO FIND A popular theme for promotion VIDEOS FROM SCRATCH ON YOUTUBE

In this article, I will discuss only  one way to find a popular theme for promotion on Youtube, because the whole subject is so vast that in one article will not fit.
Because Youtube gathered a few million clips that on one page does not fit, a great value for the user in terms of finding the right video takes own  YouTube search engine .
Finder YouTube
And through it your movie can find an interested audience.
And if you want to create a popular movie, you have to create a movie that  can seek and find through a search engine YouTube.
Because "they are looking for on YouTube" to us on a silver platter is not no spit, we look for yourself.
Search will be among those commercials that just so on YouTube and unwind - through its own search engine.
How to find videos, successfully promoted through search engine YouTube
We'll find them on the grounds of:
1. These videos are good, steady growing popularity.
2. Searches for which people go to the video clip, we can look at his statistics.
Where to look?
You can search these videos brute force, but brute force of this right should be excluded videos containing sensation, fun, etc. signs - such videos unwind by viral mechanisms and in this case we do not need them.
Go the other way. Find serious (without hysterics) channels with lots of videos.
And we find these videos of those who have a higher attendance than the other.
And thanks to the statistics of these videos we can find out which search queries they entered the audience.
Experience advanced search searches
For the first experiment I chose Ukrainian Business Channel  UBRua  (he more than 3500 movies). This is a serious channel, so you can be sure that it does not contain videos contrived sensationalism and swollen digits display.
When the average number of hits clips from this channel from 5 to 100 (for 1.5 years of existence channel) occur rollers with enough views (marked in red below):
It is on these videos, and will pay attention.
Go to page roller  "Master Class" on the balcony insulation  and click the button Statistics (indicated by a red arrow in the figure below):
Video Master Class balcony insulation
Enjoying Statistics:
Statistics movie Master Class on the balcony insulation
First, I want to mention the smooth growth of the number of views. This is a good sign that the video unwinds natural, stable way (it is through search engine Youtube, and not because someone had posted on a popular site).
And as you can see, the video went on the next day after posting (almost immediately) by searching for  "warming balcony"  (which provided 2636 views) and in the following days - on a search phrase -  "insulation loggia" .
Often, the video unwinds not direct searches, and due to the fact that it is placed on the page of another video (thanks to the general topic or keyword matching). Then we need the key questions that we will find in the video, thanks to which users are logged on our video.
For example, another video from our Ukrainian channel -  "Creative wall design"  (23198 views)
Creative video wall design
Let's see his stats:
Statistics Creative video wall design
Although this video is not indicated direct search queries from YouTube, but it was setting a lot of users with similar video pages.
Go to the very first such video -  "The relief plaster - a creative approach without effort"(22019 views)
Relief plaster video
And here in the statistics of this video you want us to find a search query -  "relief plaster" (by the way, until I opened the statistics, the number of video views have changed - increased by 19, which means that the video unwinds with the help of search queries are  stable increase views )
Statistics movie Relief plaster
How do I know the prospect of a search query
Few find queries, which unwind foreign video.Have yet to see if they work today, and whether you have a chance to squeeze between video competitors.
So, check the recent commercials for the search query "warming balcony."
Go to the search bar YouTube, the search query is typed "warming balcony" (just like that in quotes so that the results only get accurate results).
Search Results sort by date video (because it is important to find exactly recent video):
Search results for search term warming balcony
First, it has encouraged a small number of competitors on the search - only 65.
Secondly, highlighted in gray, movies can not be seen - it promotes video and unwinds by different rules.
Third, look at the date of placement of clips submitted 6 days ago 1 month ago 2 months ago 4 months ago. Recent videos on this topic come infrequently.
The first of these commercials - "-action - facade insulation" - can not be seen, as it is clearly losing in the search for the phrase "warming balcony" (by the way, if you look at the statistics of the video, you will learn that he had been out for the search query "-action ").
Look at the statistics of the second video - "How to correctly perform the warming balcony":
Statistics movie How to correctly perform the warming balcony
It came out the day of placement (!) Two searches - "warming balcony" and "insulation loggia." Even before this video got its views with personal website site!
That is why it is 1.5 months gained a decent amount of hits - 1845.
To bolster confidence in the list check the third video titled "Warming of the balcony":
Statistics movie Warming balcony
He, too, found almost immediately Keyword "warming balcony."
From then on, you can not continue.
Explicit niche in which you can safely climb.
Similarly, you can check out all the rest you found (in other people's successful movies) queries.
How much time to search for promising niches?
On channel UBRua I nashol dozens more such videos, thanks to unwind searches with YouTube.
For about  an hour or two of work  , you can find two or three dozen searches with perspective.
(Of course, there is little to find promising queries, you also need to remove the rollers. But remove the rollers on a given topic is much easier than not knowing what to shoot.)
Two or three dozen promising rollers - it  several hundred thousand hits  and the prospect to earn not only on the rollers, but also on a commission from advertising, if you manage to  become a partner of YouTube  .
Multiply that number by  10 (which means several million hits) , if you sit at your computer not an hour or two, but a day or two ...
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