The other day, browsing the American online news, I drew attention to the headline: " AOL buys Huffington Post for $ 315 million . "
At first I thought it was an online store, which happens to sell for a very decent money. For example, recently saw a message that the online shop was sold for $ 500 million . But, as it turned out, Huffington Post - is a content online magazine , and he can only earn from advertising. After reading closer, I saw that this month it has about 25 million unique users. These results reached this site over 5 years. Experts estimate that every reader of this online
publication cost AOL costs 12.6 dollars. This interested me. What if I try and make payment worth it by number of unique visitors per month? I have several sites, so I brought the approximate formula income of one of my site depending on the number of visitors on average each month.
As you know, these figures are approximate, but they
can be considered real. When calculating we proceed from the fact that the site context, there are two main sources of income - contextual advertising and direct advertising. First, let's assume that we have on the site only contextual advertising, which is posted in a conspicuous place and in sufficient quantity. Denote by N - the number of visitors to our site for 1 month, SKK - Website Income with PPC advertising, X AUD - revenue per unique user per month. Empirically on my sites using only the content was obtained 0.25 ruble per visitor. formula is: SKK = X R x N If our site was visited by 12,000 unique users per month (400 visitors per day), it would zarabatal SKK = 0.25 x 12,000 = rubles 3000 rubles a month. Again, these figures are provisional, your website can zarabatyvt this formula is much less than if you put it on the little contextual advertising does not use its full potential or advertising are not positioned in the right place. It plays an important role and the theme of your site. Now consider the case where there is on our website as contextual and direct advertising.
According to my observations, direct advertising costs about 2 times higher than the content. But it is not necessary to conclude that the co-location of the content and direct advertising on one site can generate income in 3 times more. If the user has responded to direct advertising, which means he did not pay attention to the context. Or maybe vice versa. On my site I use about the same and context, and direct advertising, and I think most will be the factor of 0.5 to apply. denote SKK + p - income on the site, where it is used and context, and direct advertising. Then our formula becomes: SKK + p = 0.5 x N Consider the case where only my site filled with direct advertising. Of course, it has to be so successful that space for content on it is not, all the space it occupies direct advertising. Then our formula becomes: Sp = 0.75 x N Sp - revenue from the site, where only direct advertising. course, this will be true only if there are a sufficient number of direct advertisers that provide for advertising on your site a decent price. In fact, the becomes more solid and serious our site, themes and income from his direct advertising becomes more and it is no longer needed contextual advertising. Because now his clients are large and reputable advertisers.
For example, say site Huffington Post, which we mentioned earlier, in 2010, earned 30 million dollars. With reference to our formula, he would have earned just 7500 000 dollars, as our users are much smaller (recall that this month it has about 25 million unique users.) In the above mentioned article states that the expected revenue Huffington Post in 2012 - 100 000 000 dollars. So now we understood why this a content online magazine (Huffington Post) bought for such a high price - 315 million dollars. . So how much are you able to sell your website? analyzing this and other information, I came to the,conclusion that the site you can buy for about the amount that is equal to its income for 3 years. Thus, if you want to make money by selling your existing content sites, with the objective to sell it for 1 million rubles, need to bring their income up to the amount per month: 1 000 000 rubles. 36 = approximately 28 000 rubles / month. So, if you earn today is obtained on its website 50 000 rubles, or even 100 000 rubles per month, then you can sell it for: 50 000 rubles / mes.h 36 months . = 1 800 000 or 100 rubles 000 rubles / month. x 36 months. = 3.6 million rubles Assuming that your site is rapidly improving, then you can put it up for sale, based on the calculation of its future profits. An example is a content site Huffington Post. And finally can sell it for 11 million rubles, ie, 3 times more expensive. Based on site Source:
★Support me, put the Huskies and subscribe to the channel !At first I thought it was an online store, which happens to sell for a very decent money. For example, recently saw a message that the online shop was sold for $ 500 million . But, as it turned out, Huffington Post - is a content online magazine , and he can only earn from advertising. After reading closer, I saw that this month it has about 25 million unique users. These results reached this site over 5 years. Experts estimate that every reader of this online
publication cost AOL costs 12.6 dollars. This interested me. What if I try and make payment worth it by number of unique visitors per month? I have several sites, so I brought the approximate formula income of one of my site depending on the number of visitors on average each month.
As you know, these figures are approximate, but they
can be considered real. When calculating we proceed from the fact that the site context, there are two main sources of income - contextual advertising and direct advertising. First, let's assume that we have on the site only contextual advertising, which is posted in a conspicuous place and in sufficient quantity. Denote by N - the number of visitors to our site for 1 month, SKK - Website Income with PPC advertising, X AUD - revenue per unique user per month. Empirically on my sites using only the content was obtained 0.25 ruble per visitor. formula is: SKK = X R x N If our site was visited by 12,000 unique users per month (400 visitors per day), it would zarabatal SKK = 0.25 x 12,000 = rubles 3000 rubles a month. Again, these figures are provisional, your website can zarabatyvt this formula is much less than if you put it on the little contextual advertising does not use its full potential or advertising are not positioned in the right place. It plays an important role and the theme of your site. Now consider the case where there is on our website as contextual and direct advertising.
According to my observations, direct advertising costs about 2 times higher than the content. But it is not necessary to conclude that the co-location of the content and direct advertising on one site can generate income in 3 times more. If the user has responded to direct advertising, which means he did not pay attention to the context. Or maybe vice versa. On my site I use about the same and context, and direct advertising, and I think most will be the factor of 0.5 to apply. denote SKK + p - income on the site, where it is used and context, and direct advertising. Then our formula becomes: SKK + p = 0.5 x N Consider the case where only my site filled with direct advertising. Of course, it has to be so successful that space for content on it is not, all the space it occupies direct advertising. Then our formula becomes: Sp = 0.75 x N Sp - revenue from the site, where only direct advertising. course, this will be true only if there are a sufficient number of direct advertisers that provide for advertising on your site a decent price. In fact, the becomes more solid and serious our site, themes and income from his direct advertising becomes more and it is no longer needed contextual advertising. Because now his clients are large and reputable advertisers.
For example, say site Huffington Post, which we mentioned earlier, in 2010, earned 30 million dollars. With reference to our formula, he would have earned just 7500 000 dollars, as our users are much smaller (recall that this month it has about 25 million unique users.) In the above mentioned article states that the expected revenue Huffington Post in 2012 - 100 000 000 dollars. So now we understood why this a content online magazine (Huffington Post) bought for such a high price - 315 million dollars. . So how much are you able to sell your website? analyzing this and other information, I came to the,conclusion that the site you can buy for about the amount that is equal to its income for 3 years. Thus, if you want to make money by selling your existing content sites, with the objective to sell it for 1 million rubles, need to bring their income up to the amount per month: 1 000 000 rubles. 36 = approximately 28 000 rubles / month. So, if you earn today is obtained on its website 50 000 rubles, or even 100 000 rubles per month, then you can sell it for: 50 000 rubles / mes.h 36 months . = 1 800 000 or 100 rubles 000 rubles / month. x 36 months. = 3.6 million rubles Assuming that your site is rapidly improving, then you can put it up for sale, based on the calculation of its future profits. An example is a content site Huffington Post. And finally can sell it for 11 million rubles, ie, 3 times more expensive. Based on site Source:
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