Today accidentally went to the U.S. site dedicated to manga (Japanese comics) and was shocked by how easy the site, and the amount of traffic (646 th version , is about 18 million hits a month! ).
Site only publishes comic scans. No text. Only comics page button to scroll (bottom right).
Just sit there and stared at the picture.
And this process has captured hundreds of thousands of users (for December 2010 poster mangastream.comread carefully about 280,000 unique visitors, according to ):
Site naturally earns advertising. In this case - with the help of Google Adsense.
If you count his modest income from my primitive formula (from the article How much is a content site, or how much he can earn? )
SK = 12:25 ruble x N,
we obtain:
SKK = 0.25 x 280 000 rubles = 70 000,
or about 2333 dollars a month
or about 2333 dollars a month
Note on growth audience. And this despite the fact that the site was created just over a year ago (the domain was registered in November 2009):
It is also interesting that the site does not store comics forever. Placing new chapters, it removes old. In this way he keeps his audience constant attention (it's worth it to relax and not go, it will miss a lot of interesting).
At the same time, these works are written over the years (some of the manga have been over 900 issues):
A couple of soap operas in pictures.
Comics in Russia, of course, is not as popular as in America and Japan (where this culture exists decades), but also win their audience:
Soap operas in Russia (in the face of all sorts of domestic serials) very popular. We are so accustomed to the characters that do not want to part with them .
That this is possible and play.
Why not create a modern, close to Russian users, heroes? But not on television (it is expensive), and in pictures? Which spread serially online.
Take, for example, a typical traffic cop (very modern hero), which the breadwinner for the family wants to be, and conscience he did not cease completely. Beat the different situations on the road (in pictures).
Or the story of the modern police officer who has just been a policeman.
Or of an official who is a Lexus breaks, quarrels with his wife, his house obkradut ('s something people would be nice ...).
You can not even draw as difficult as in Japanese comics (I do not understand their artistry). The main thing is to make it clear that the characters do and think.
1. lot of people on the Internet are no longer read the text and look only pictures.
2. People today need comfort, they nothing and nowhere to be found. Give them a little longer to live life heroes (the larger series, the better for the people and for you).
3. You can create any number of series in comics (as far as you have enough), for different age groups and social strata. Cultivate those that will be most in demand.
4. This kind of art requires no special knowledge of a foreign language, so you can start to draw and for Americans (with their passion for manga).
5. site can be absolutely simple. Main content - picture and go to the next page.
Of course, this idea only for those who know how to draw, dream or know of a good (or not so good) artist, who is not rushing to draw money and gradually become popular.
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