26 нояб. 2013 г.

AUTOMATION advertising on the site

If you have a content site and advertising for you - it's kind of passive income (and no reason to communicate with advertisers), then you agree that the process of payment and advertising, it is desirable to automate.
To  place once - and forget  (as in contextual advertising).
I have long wanted this process to automate your site (even the engine for a site corresponding picking), but it proved too difficult.
Not only automate the process of placement of advertising banners, you should still take care of the payment systems (money also desirable to obtain automatically), the possibility for advertisers to choose any date of placement (and for any period), independently change the text etc.
Without good (well, at least elementary) knowledge of programming can not do.
I was hoping that sooner or later will be a cloud service that simplify this task for inexperienced site owners (as it always happens sooner or later.)
The site owner will be enough to put on their pages only one code - and any advertiser using third-party software and pay to place their ads.
Recently, one such service appeared fresh - adeasy.ru  (click on the picture to get on this site in a new window)
Adeasy.ru - automation service advertising on the site
It simply sign up, get the calling code (after approval by the site moderator), place it on the site and wait for the advertisers come looking for you.
I'm such a code already posted yesterday (in the left column below the yellow ad unit) for testing (and if you like it, and for continuous use)
Advertising banner on the site Home business
While advertisers not shown blind to attract advertisers (with the text "Your advertisement for 5 minutes", etc.).
Anyone who clicks on this banner, gets on my account page on adeasy.ru (in the picture below the text "Your Text Banner" and then I composed myself in your account in the description of the site, it can be in principle and do not write):
Start ordering process through advertising Adeasy.ru
Advertiser comes on a reference "Create Banner", where he can make any text banner (I only use text banners, but basically you can use and graphic) and select the background color.
On the title given to 20 characters, the text - 160 characters (selected by me 180h90 size banner) for graphic banners need to upload an image:
Drafting of the advertising text
On a reference "Change Theme" (right), you can change the font color and size, as well as the background color and frame banner.
In the next step, you can choose any day display advertising and find out how much it will cost:
Select the days of advertising
And the last step - Payment:
Payment advertising
As you can see, how you can pay using electronic money, and using cards VISA, mobile payment and payment terminal.
I think advertisers it will be very convenient.
You, as a website owner and an account on adeasy.ru, can create multiple banners in different sizes and paste them into any place of your site (important - do not disturb Partnership Agreement).
In one banner ad rotation can participate by several different banner advertisers (up to 5).
Price for banner impressions you also set yourself.
Each banner is composed advertiser comes into your moderation (in the form of a letter on e-mail). This is the only time the executable manually (well, as without moderation in this matter?).
In general, try.
Service service takes 10% of the money collected from advertisers.
Payments made by the site owner to order within 7 days.
PS  For the first night of accommodation advertising banner on my site advertising in this section have already paid 2 advertiser.
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